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In the history of human development, many things come to be, but many things gradually fade to oblivion. One example of which is the Jew’s Harp. Jew’s Harp is a kind of folk instrument. In the countryside, the villagers used to play single Jew’s Harp in different ways to express their inner feelings or for entertainment.

The Jew’s Harp tradition of the Pumi Nationality has been preserved only in the mountain villages of Yunnan Province. Despite its simple structure, this manual instrument can make a variety of beautiful sounds by coordinating changes in plucking technique, mouth shape, tongue movement, and oral resonance. Jew’s Harp of XuanMi Minority is made of three bamboos lamellae tuned roughly 3/5/6th degrees of the scale, or 2/6/1st degrees of the scale. It can be performed both in solo and ensemble settings.
Jew’s Harp is well preserved in Lanping Village; some aged people can play it. The most excellent players are middle-aged women, while few young people can play it. Since the initiation of Folk Heritage Plan in 2002, The Village and hamlets group has apprenticed young people to learn the craft from the villagers. After several years, a corps of young people has now mastered this craft and can present, in multipart polyphony, this ancient instrument so rich in emotional expressivity.
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