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世界顶级清唱天团—Vocal Sampling(人声取样)/古巴

他们之所以命名为Vocal Sampling,是想说明其人声的特别和非凡,合成在一起拥有一种神奇的效果。不管是热情奔放的铜管、还是花式飞舞的康加鼓、即便是永远不在正拍上的贝斯,甚至是偶尔亮相的电吉他,都可以被他们完全毫不走样的模仿。他们无所不能的‘人声取样’能力,配合其无与伦比的节奏感觉,不仅仅出色地演绎恰恰恰、伦巴、波莱罗、颂、曼波等等令人闻之起舞的拉丁律动,演唱起爵士乐、雷鬼乐、或是电子味道浓郁的Hip-Hop也颇有过人之处。 

Vocal Sampling may sound like a full salsa band - but in reality their unique sound is created by a six piece all-male Cuban a-capella group. With minimum technology, they use only their voices, their cupped hands and their own bodies to create a full range of timbres and textures. All the instruments of the Latin Orchestra - percussion, horns, keyboard, bass - are vocally reproduced with astonishing accuracy for their hugely entertaining set of classic boleros, rumbas, and salsa, as wells as more contemporary compositions. 
The six members of Vocal Sampling, all accomplished instrumentalists and arrangers, met at Havana's Instituto Superior de Arte while studying music in 1989. Since then the group have gained the attention of artists such as Bobby McFerrin, Peter Gabriel and Paul Simon. The group has continued to tour successfully throughout Latin America, Europe and Asia ever since. Recent highlights have included the Vancouver Jazz Festival, the London Jazz Festival and the Nuit des Choeurs spectacle in Belgium.
"A sampling is I heard in the past ten years the best music!" - Paul. Simon
"They are real singer, Cuba's proud!" - Quincy Jones
"The world is the most special one of super combination!" - British “Times Weekly"
"Has the infinite vitality and excellent skills six a capella combination!" The New York Times
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